Maïskuil - hakselen

How do we best get the 2024 maize into the silage?

The large variation between different maize plots requires extra attention to the right ensiling method. This includes adjusting the chopping length depending on the quality of the maize. Good corn or corn without cob require different chopping lengths. The table below shows how to adjust the chopping length based on the quality of the maize.
Tabel haksellengte

Some tips for judging chop quality

  • Take a feed scoop of maize from the 2nd or 3rd cart, not from the 1st.

    • Repeat the assessment several times a day.

    • Check again after each adjustment.

    • Spread the maize as thinly as possible on a flat surface.

  • Assess grain crushing:

    • All grains should be broken, preferably into 4, even better into 8 pieces.

  • Check the chop length:

    • The parts should be chopped into equal lengths as much as possible.

    • All stem parts with a diameter greater than 7 mm should be ripped open, with the outer wall torn off and the stem core exposed.

Extra attention for storage

  • Stress conditions and high moisture increase the risk of bump-burn.

  • Harvesting maize with lower DS leads to more silage losses.

  • Smaller cobs result in lower densities in the silage.

  • Wetter silages take longer to become stable.

  • Add SiloSolve to maintain quality.

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