Launch of the Pré de chez nous quality label: unique due to lower carbon footprint and additional focus on animal welfare

David Clarinval, Federal Minister for Agriculture: “Although wider agriculture – and more specifically livestock farming – is often unfairly criticised, I am delighted to hear about and support this new Pré de chez nous initiative. Tasty meat, local production, animal welfare and a 21% reduction in carbon footprint! I wish every success to all our Walloon entrepreneurs who have taken the plunge.”
New Belgian quality label Pré de chez nous showcases sustainable beef
With this brand new and unique quality label, master grocer Bernard Gotta, meat cutter Viande de Liège, livestock trader Sobemax and feed producer Proxani are aiming to promote local, sustainable and tasty beef. Having joined forces with five Belgian livestock farmers, they have set out to meet the demand for a tasty yet sustainably produced meat.
Belgian, sustainable and eco-friendly
As the name suggests, Pré de chez nous offers a purely Belgian product. Made by Belgians, for Belgians.
But what makes this label different from the rest?
Thanks to the innovative Euroclim® feed concept from cattle feed producer Proxani, a strong brand owned by agricultural expert Arvesta, the carbon footprint of the beef is reduced by up to 21%. The Euroclim® concept is a 100% plant-based feed containing a high omega-3 content from extruded linseed, reducing methane emissions during digestion by up to 30%. What’s more, all raw materials are European and make maximum use of residual streams* not fit for human consumption – a fine example of circular economy thinking.
“Belgian, sustainable and eco-friendly”

But it certainly doesn’t stop there, with special attention also being paid to animal welfare! Specialised brushes are used during grooming, while the livestock are provided with more space, light and ventilation. With Pré de chez nous, we are going beyond current market standards. What’s more, the shorter chain also reduces the CO2 emissions that would otherwise be caused by transport.
Finally, the farmer also gets a higher price for their meat.
A great choice
Not only does the Pré de chez nous initiative make all the right choices, it is also, above all, very tasty. Pré de chez nous meat is red-coloured and slightly marbled. It contains no allergens, no GMOs and is not ionised. In short, deliciously tender and tasty quality meat. And all 100% natural!
Pré de chez nous meat can be found in Belgian artisanal butchers.
For more information, visit www.prédecheznous.be