pigs in the barn


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  • Pigs
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Article section - Proxani Nieuws

cows in the pasture with the pré de chez nous label
Launch of the Pré de chez nous quality label: unique due to lower carbon footprint and additional focus on animal welfare
A first on our plate! Today saw the launch of the new Belgian Pré de chez nous quality label. A unique label for local, sustainable and tasty beef with a lower carbon footprint and a focus on animal welfare.
maïs hakselen
Maize plots in practice: estimating chopping time
In practice, we see a large variation between maize plots, with both early and extremely late sown plots. This difference is clearly visible in cob setting: early-sown maize has well-developed cobs, while for late-sown maize it is still uncertain whether the cobs will mature. For late-sown maize, the harvest time is already definitely shifting towards the end of October. So correctly estimating the ideal chopping time is a challenge. Therefore, we share some valuable tips to help you do so.
Essential tips for determining the value of shredded maize
This year we saw a wide spread in maize sowing timing, leading to significant differences in both total yield per hectare and maize quality. An accurate assessment of these factors is crucial to pay a fair price for silage maize this year. Discover in our article some valuable tips to correctly assess the yield and quality of your maize.
Maïskuil - hakselen
How do we best get the 2024 maize into the silage?
The large variation between different maize plots requires extra attention to the right ensiling method. This includes adjusting the chopping length depending on the quality of the maize. Good corn or corn without cob require different chopping lengths. The table below shows how to adjust the chopping length based on the quality of the maize.
Cows in the barn
The Blanc-Blue VERT project opened its doors on 19/06, discover more here
Adapting feed and making the right genetic choices can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cattle farming, according to the initial findings of the Walloon "Blanc-Bleu VERT" project, presented June 19 in Libramont.
Heat stress cow
HEAT STRESS – Let us help you get on the right track with these tips!
Proxani: Discover effective measures to reduce heat stress in pigs, dairy cows and beef cattle. Improve growth and feed conversion during hotter periods.
Vlog rantsoen - Lien Maes
Tips van de expert: zo waarborg je een evenwichtig rantsoen in 2025
Het voorjaar is letterlijk en figuurlijk in het water gevallen, en dit heeft een grote impact gehad op onze ruwvoervoorziening. Dit brengt grote uitdagingen met zich mee, vooral als we vooruit kijken naar een evenwichtig rantsoen voor volgend jaar. Rundvee Expert Lien Maes geeft je graag enkele tips. Bekijk snel de vlog!
Hittestress artikel - image
Hittestress: beter voorkomen dan genezen
Het weer dat we afgelopen voorjaar hebben gehad doet het misschien niet vermoeden, maar toch krijgen we deze zomer opnieuw met hittestress te maken. Hittestress bij melkvee is een groeiend probleem dat ernstige gevolgen kan hebben. Het kan de gezondheid en productiviteit van de dieren ondermijnen. Preventieve maatregelen nemen is cruciaal om voorbereid te zijn op periodes van extreme hitte.
cows in pasture optimal grazing
Our top tips for optimal grazing in dairy cows!
The grazing period is almost upon us. We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with some information.
Dairy cattle eating in barn
Increase the yield of your dairy cows with HiPro 58!
The raw materials market is highly volatile. Proxani has a financially attractive protein corrector in its range with Hipro 58!
cows are fed in the barn
“The first impressions are already positive. Cows that might otherwise have suffered from ketosis have now continued to perform well.”
The start of lactation has a strong influence over the animal’s subsequent lactation and fertility. The dairy cow’s daily ration at the start of lactation does not fully meet their energy and protein requirements.
nutex sweet feed
Nutex Sweet limits negative energy balance
Limit negative energy balance… and give your newborn calves the best possible start! Newborn calves have an energy deficit, given that they need much more energy for milk production than they can absorb from rations
cows in stable
An important innovation for optimal fertility!
Introducing Ferti, our new range of animal feeds designed – and scientifically proven – to optimise cow fertility and milk production. With unique antioxidants, including ‘Scutellaria’ extract.
Vlog geiten - piekproductie
Tips van de expert: Bereik een piekproductie met je geiten!
Hoe krijg je de geitenmelkproductie naar een piekproductie? Bart, de geitenexpert van Proxani deelt 3 tips. Bekijk snel de vlog!