Piglet rearing: Optimise your piglet feed
Want to rear healthy animals that experience optimal development? Then it is important to choose the right piglet feed during the piglet rearing process. It is important that your piglets experience a smooth transition after weaning, continuing to eat and maintaining their intake pattern throughout the piglet rearing process. Because any irregularity in intake can be detrimental to the health and development of your piglets. Therefore, during the piglet rearing process, piglets should ideally receive the same piglet feed they received just before weaning.
The various phases of the piglet rearing process
You can further improve feed intake by introducing additional piglet feed via small feeders during the first few days, possibly supplemented by other feeders containing mash or liquid feed.
Seven days after weaning, we are past the critical period, meaning you can now switch to a starter feed to achieve rapid growth and development in your piglets.
During the final phase inside the piglet pen, we introduce a dedicated sprint feed.
Piglet feed for optimised piglet rearing
Proxani offers a wide range of weaning, starter and sprint feeds depending on the needs of your specific farm. Depending on your situation, the focus might be on safety (Prestasafe), rapid growth, or financially viable piglet rearing.
Our experts can visit to carry out a comprehensive farm check, the results of which will help you draw up the right feeding schedule, while also helping us provide tailored advice for improvements in your management system.